Our anxiety, as consuming as it may be, is often the result of an overdriven sense of care and protection. It lives in our head, constantly casting a shadow over every decision we make.

With love is a place to release those anxious thoughts in a safe space so you may be able to perceive it outside your mind and come to understand your longstanding companion.

You will fail all of this is of no use, nothing good will ever come out of what youre doing this not fair, life is not fair, why do i have to be the one on the bad side of everything youre not cool enough to have friends you are weak just give up whatever you do, it is not enough dont listen to your emotions, they're lying, be practical i feel like im drowning under the weight of everyones expectations youre terrible, you you only pretend to be nice so other people will like you i feel like im screaming in a room full of people and no can hear me Everyone hates you. You are spoiling everyones life. Stay away from everyone! You are so stupid You suck at everything! You are a failure at everything you do. Stop trying You are screwing up your future Everyone is doing better than you The water is seeping through your cracks. No one is going to love your pieces Just give up and die AHHHHHHHHH RUN stay in bed lets stay home and spiral till we feel worthless You dont have any skills you will be alone forever why are you so annoying? be normal you are not good enough many things Do I really Like flowers? What are you doing in life all over the place everything is wrong wrong wrong wrong this is not fair the world is an unfair place very unfair there is no hope for you Why do you even try? No time, You need to do more before something happens. It sucks Bk Frustration Attack of personal space Shit life is hard as hell Herz Clowns You are useless An overbearing feeling like iam the tiniest thing in centre and everything is too big for me to even comprehend You have wasted your opportunity Intrusive. Always so intrusive. Alone sometimes, as if I'm going to live in this dark space forever. everyday taking a step closer to the light but with every step it pushes farther away from me. its becomes exhausting. im playing tag but can never catch it.